Friday, July 10, 2009

Lost Blog Post

Okay so it wasn't really lost- we just got busy and forgot to post. The upside is how amazing the yard has grown!!! You don't notice it day to day but then you take a picture and realize the zucchini plant looks like its from Jurassic Park!

So the baby chicks are growing. We aren't sure if Mable is really a maybe . . . 90% sexing accuracy my tushy. We just might be 2 for 5 on roos. We will just have to wait and see.

In other chick news we introduced our four-legged niece Morgan the golden-doodle to the girls. Morgan loves them! So much so that she broke her leash and attempted to retrieve Elinor. All chickens are fine and healthy but Elinore looks ridiculous with a bare bumper. Nicole may never live the incident down with our neighbors who all rushed out to see when she started screaming bloody murder and all they could see was a pile of fluffy feathers and a pair of shaken sisters. Ahh the adventures- eh Tiff?

(hmmmm... what did our beloved Morgan have in mind??)

We got our first tomatoes, grilled some zucchini, and the walla walla onions work great with the cilantro in salsa! The hanging tomatoes have been a little underwhelming but our number of plants make up for what they lack in proliferation due to our skipping watering and fertalizer. We filled 4 more beds with dirt and started some fall and winter planting. Look for asparagus to be planted next spring- yummers. The raspberries and blueberries are delicious first thing in the morning but we'll have to wait until next year for enough to do jam. The first few plums are juicy so if anyone has ideas on what to make with plums I'm all ears!!!

Lesson: Rain Barrels - most rain barrels have some sort of opening to the outside world and because of this, mosquitos show up, lay eggs and before you know it, West Nile is on your doorstep. The organic fix to this actually quite easy, simply buy some feeder goldfish and put them in the barrels - they eat the eggs and the mosqituos, just don't let the barrels run dry!!

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