Thursday, January 21, 2010

Yes we are lame but we are BACK!!!

So we have proven to be about the lamest blogger's on the blogosphere and to all 2 or 3 of our followers we apologize for being so lame, or more accurate --lazy? no matter, we sucked, we know it and that's aboutall we will say about that.
hmmmm.... now where to start? how about a quick summary on the last 5 months with more to detail to follow on future posts. Our garden was a great success, we had a huge harvest, with tomatos leading the way and a few snags with brussel sprouts causing us the most dissapointment (they were infected with a bazillion aphids and were a 100% waste). All in all, we learned a ton, had a bunch of fun and were able can about 100 jars of sauce, salsa, jelly's and a whole lot of other good stuff. We also transplanted many of our herbs/spices to the front yard to keep them out of chicken reach and for easier cooking access. The chickens were every bit as fun and rewarding as we both ever imagined and could have hoped for. we started out with 3, gave one back (rooster), got 2 more, then another, and sadly lost one to Merek's disease in early December (see future post entiteld 'Ode to Muppet' for the hearthwrenching details) so we ended the year with 4 pretty cool birds. 4 of the 5 ended up laying eggs but currently only 2 of them are producing right now. We expanded the chickens Run by about 40% and now wonder how the poor little birds ever survived prior to our expansion (they are a bit spoiled to say the least). We also started a kitchen remodel in December, dressed up as the Kardashians for Halloween and made some very good friends in our neighborhood that we hope to see much more of in 2010.

Going into 2010 we have a lot planned and unplanned -here is just a sampling: we will be getting at least 3 more chickens (YES!!!), changing up our fruit trees, adding a bunch more berries & adding a greater variety of veggies, add some flowers and other non edibles, limiting chicken access to the whole yard so we can actually use some of the yard that is free from chicken Sh*t, redo our chicken roost (the place where they sleep and lay), be a stop on Portland's Tour de Coop (a city-wide tour of backyard chicken wierdo's), brew our own beer and wine (if we get enough grapes), install a pathway in the backyard, and a whole bunch of other things we haven't even thought of yet... oh yeah, and we are going to blog the entire year!!
...and finally, here are some random photos...

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