Monday, February 8, 2010

Spring Has Sprung!

I don't care what the calendar says- around here there are just too many signs pointing to spring. We've got warmer weather (third warmest January on record in Portland), the bulbs are sprouted, our girls are all laying eggs (with the exception of Gladys who is slowly finishing up her molt) and brand new baby! No. Not us. Nicole's sister had a healthy (and fast) baby boy last weekend on Superbowl Sunday. Welcome to the world Roark- we are excited for you to visit and play on your aunt and uncle's urban farm. Check out the smiles on mom, dad, and auntie nicole...

We've logged a few miles on the prius- the day before our trip to Seattle for baby Roark we visited Raintree Nursery (about half way from Portland to Seattle) and loaded up on this year's perminant additions to the orchard. We couldn't help but find a few other odds and ends. We moved the apple tree to the front yard and planted lingonberries underneath to make room for a new black mission fig tree in the back. Other additions: black, white, and red currents, a dwarf half nectarine half peach tree, non fuzzy kiwi trees that produce small oval kiwis that are eaten like grapes, marionberry, boysenberry, thornless blackberries, more strawberries. and asparagus. We should have a lovely harvest in a few years when they grow up. And we took advantage of the great sunny weather by cleaning up the yard and getting ready for new projects but that's for another blog entry another day . . .

On completely unrelated news- some friends introduced us to a fabulously crack-like board game called Settlers of Catan. Its relatively new and out of Germany. Think monopoly, stratego, and risk all rolled up together. We like the sustainable spin of trading resources and building farms with the resources of grain, ore, lumber, brick, and sheep. Check it out- its hard to convey its complex strategy and how easy it was to learn. Quite engaging! Or better yet . . . call us to play!

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