Tuesday, April 5, 2011

LuLu LuLu the Lunatic...

So our little baby, our runt of the litter, our sweet little lulu the Polish wonder chicken is causing a big disruption to our chicken harmony. Chicken harmony is our term for peace and good will amongst those in our flock. Harmony means there is still a little pecking here and there but for the most part, all chickens know and accept their place in line - aka the pecking order. Well, little lulu has become quite the hardass and is throwing the flock in a tizzy. The pecking order was recently (well until Lulu struck) like this: Gladys - Eleanore - Gerdie - Maybel - (Tillah) - Razzle -(Stuffy) - Penny - Lulu. Lulu clearly was in the rear and we worried that she would always be severely hen pecked. We had some changes as we had to re-home Tillah and sadly Stuffy passed away on us (see previous post) and Razzle has been broody for a few weeks and these changes through things off a bit. Well Gerdie and Gladys started to befriend Lulu and within a few weeks, we have mayhem. To put it simply, Lulu now beats on Gladys our all powerful leader so we thought. For good measure she beats on Gerdie as well. So our new circular order is something like this: Gladys - Eleanore - Gerdie - Maybel - Razzle - Penny - Lulu - Gladys - Eleanore - Gerdie and so on and so on. So we call Eleanore the beast because she is the number 2 chicken in order and is the muscle to the Gladys regime and she can be vicious when she needs to be. Well sweet little Lulu is now starting to back down the beast which is simply amazing. So if Lulu beats down Eleanore then its quite possible that tiny little Razzle, our smallest chicken, might be running the show because she, along with Penny are the only 2 that do not back down to lulu and actually put the beat down on her ... summary is we do not have chicken harmony and it doesn't look like its coming anytime soon... so we may as well get more chics to add???? see next post.

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